Open Positions
We welcome Scientists from all background and diversity. Undergraduates, graduates, post docs and visiting scholars are accepted into the lab based on qualifications, project availability, interests, and space.
Undergraduate students
During the school semester, undergraduates are required to commit at least 10 hours per week in the lab.
Undergraduates can receive course credits during the school year to work in the lab (3.3 hours per week = 1 credit), or they can be paid through work study if eligible. Contact Dr. Skouta, by email, with your CV and research interests.
During the summer, undergraduates can either work on a volunteer basis, or find extramural funding sources to be paid during the summer months. Extramural funding sources include, but are not necessarily limited to Baystate, HHMI, and REU mechanisms.
Graduate students
Prospective graduate students are welcome to visit our lab to learn more about our multidisciplinary research projects.
Post doctoral fellows:
Contact Dr. Skouta, by email, with your CV and research interests. Post-docs are accepted based on interest and funding availability.
Visiting Scholars:
National and international visiting scholars are welcome to Contact Dr. Skouta, by email, with their CV and research interests